The School of Rock musical adaptation of the hit 2003 movie onto the stage, executed by the iconic Andrew Lloyd Webber, is easily enjoyable and one of the most effortlessly entertaining Broadway shows on right now. The lovable adult delinquent leading a band of goody two-shoes kids on a rock-filled adventure is played wonderfully by Alex Brightman, who holds the show together almost with his presence alone. Nevertheless, the School of Rock Broadway cast of mostly children still glows in their innocent, vibrant brilliance: the reveals of the inner music stars within the academically oriented kids do not seem empty or excessive. As a matter of fact, the surprisingly complex performances of the cast are as genuine as the emotions they elicit in the audience – the people on both sides of the stage immensely enjoy their respective experiences.
One of newest musical sensations to buzz into the New York theater scene, it fittingly aims to drown any of its narrative shortcomings with ear-shattering performances resembling those of rock concerts rather than Broadway productions. This particular staging of the songs and their elevation into the highlights of the show detracts a bit from the emotional weight of the musical, sacrificing some of it for good, old-fashioned fun. Hits from the movie, like “Stick It To The Man,” still carry waves of excitement through the fictional audience inside the show and the real one in the theater. On the whole, while keeping many of the key elements of the movie, this is the musical to see in New York when looking for entertainment with a touch of compositional finesse of a Broadway giant like Andrew Lloyd Webber.
The popularity of Andrew Lloyd Webber contributes to the production’s success in NYC. Out of what’s new on Broadway, this is the ultimate roof-raiser: a rock concert’s best elements combined with the best ones from a stage musical blend together to ensure that every viewer in the audience leaves the theater with happy, satisfied smiles on their faces. School of Rock Broadway running time is 2 hours and 20 minutes. Buy tickets for School of Rock in New York online.